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18.9.2024 : 19:06 : +0200

The Liberia Crusaders For Peace (LCP) is a local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

The Liberia Crusaders For Peace (LCP) is a local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

organized in 1994. It was registered under the laws of the Republic of Liberia through the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs in 2001. Its office complex is located on Capitol By-pass, Monrovia adjacent the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.Amb. Juli Endee is the Executive Director of the LCP. The Executive Director is supported by a 42 staff member, 72 animators, 2248 mobilizers and 30 supervisors in the 15 counties of Liberia.The LCP is an advocacy and social mobilization organisation that promotes behaviour change and participatory communication through community dialogue and conversation, theatre, music and dance.

The LCP has implemented several projects for UNICEF, WFP, WHO, the Ministry of Health, TRC, LISGIS, UNMIL and is currently carrying out sensitization and awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS for the National AIDS-STI Control Program (NACP)  Ministry of Agriculture Back to the Soil Campaign.

Some of the programs implemented in collaboration with partners listed above include; social mobilization for Polio Eradication, Back to School Campaign, Community Reintegration of Children Associated with Fighting Forces (CAFF), Let the Children Play and many other event-based activities such as the Day of the African Child, Breastfeeding Week and HIV/AIDS promotion and awareness; LCP also has vast experience in training.Specific deliverables of various training projects/activities include; training of trainers inInterpersonal communication skills (IPC), production of jingles, radio spots messages, and community based mobilization using arts, songs and theatre. Moreover, Crusaders for Peace is a member of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Gender Committee.

Current program of the Liberian Crusaders for Peace are as follows:

Women Department:

·       Training for Women Empowerment
·       Training for Women as bridges to peace
·       Training for Women leadership
·       Skill training for women arts and culture, literacy program
·       Adult literacy
·       Micro Credit
·       Women and Children Village Project
·       Women education in farming
·       Women rights (inheritance bill, R.L.)
·       Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), HIV/AIDS and STI awareness                     campaign
·       Sustainable peace crusade and psychological counselling

Children Department:

·       Psychological counselling
·       Life skills training
·       Music, dance and drama
·       Let the children play project

Traditional Leaders:

·       Support to traditional women in farming
·       Adult literacy for traditional women
·       Arts and craft (Traditional designs)